Manifesto for the Millennium
| A dark storm cloud hangs over the future of humanity. |
A dark storm cloud hangs over the future of humanity. Like its counterpart in nature, the cloud is filled with the contradiction of fear and hope. The time has come for us to embrace the hope and allay the fear. Let the | |
Let the rainbow inherent in the cloud come out as we shine the light of spirit through the storm | |
rainbow inherent in the cloud come out as we shine the light of spirit through the storm.
Creating the Millennium Mind
The fear we face is the destructiveness of our industrial mindset. It is two edged. One edge is the destruction itself, which lays waste to the natural heritage of our planet at a rate far greater than the four billion years it took to build. The other edge of fear is that we are powerless to control our appetite. The first is real and quantifiable. As such we can address it directly and measure our success in doing so. The second is psychic and paralyzing. It is embedded deep inside our belief systems. It is the greater fear, for it prevents us from dealing with the first. The first will overwhelm us, but only if the second prevails. Our millennium mission, therefore, is to drive out the psychic fear that we are unequal to the historic task that lies ahead.
So we turn to hope, not in idle wishfulness, but in the gilt-edged gleam of vision through which we see a better way. If we see the brighter future through the eye of vision, we will believe it in the mind of reason. Our truly momentous task, therefore, becomes the quest of vision, to know through foresight that we can meet the challenge-because we have been there in our minds and seen ourselves triumphant. That is the quality of hope. It feeds itself with compound interest until it becomes so strong that fear cannot stand in its way. | |
Our task is to create the Millennium Mind. This is human consciousness that has transcended adolescent notions of acquisition and material growth and understood its greater mission. | |
Our task is to create the Millennium Mind. This is human consciousness that has transcended adolescent notions of acquisition and material growth and understood its greater mission. It knows from whence it came. Not as a limited gift bestowed on mortal beings by a higher power. Not as an emergence from matter in some accidental interplay of nerve cells. But rather as a non-material manifestation of the original creative energy of the universe. The same eternal force that released the universe from a speck of incomprehensible density; that created time and space; that spun out the galaxies; that released the light and lit up the stars; that provided the conditions for the emergence of life on Earth; that nurtured its own emergence in human minds-that same Original Intelligence has been the | |
So now, through us, we humans, the Universe can see itself and reflect upon its own unfolding future. What a story! What a challenge to embrace! | |
handmaiden for its evolution into human minds. So now, through us, we humans, the Universe can see itself and reflect upon its own unfolding future. What a story! What a challenge to embrace!
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At the turn of the Millennium this creative energy stands poised to take the next step, to nurture the Millennium Mind and focus human consciousness itself on the process of evolution. | |
At the turn of the Millennium this creative energy stands poised to take the next step, to nurture the Millennium Mind and focus human consciousness itself on the process of evolution. The destiny that calls to us is one of partnership with the Source. It calls to us to be partners in creation and give birth to a new age on Earth. In the last 67 million years biological evolution took life from reptilian mind to human mind. We now stand ready to take the next step, to join in co-creation with Cosmic Consciousness.
How will our destiny play out? We cannot know the details, just as they were never known in the past as life struggled ever upwards to greater complexity, but suffered devastating setbacks along the way. But the central feature now is clear-the principle of human co-creation with Original Consciousness. So far our vision can see. It reveals us using the full capacity of the human mind, armed with the technology that it has invented, to meet our partnership
requirements. What does this mean? It means engaging all our faculties of knowing, the strands of which can be traced over the past few millennia in which human civilization emerged.
And therein lies our greatest challenge. It brings us full face with the dilemma of our age and the source of the storm cloud now hanging over future prospects. For we
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For we have in recent centuries embraced a way of knowing called science, which we have mistakenly allowed to separate us from the Universe of which we are an emergent part | |
have in recent centuries embraced a way of knowing called science, which we have mistakenly allowed to separate us from the Universe of which we are an emergent part. It is the most powerful way of knowing so far to be developed by the human mind. It has allowed us through observation and experimentation to unlock many of the secrets of the Universe. In the last few decades we have attained the capacity to penetrate into the elemental structures of material forms. Now, at the turn of the Millennium, we stand at the threshold of a science of manipulation and creation, which can penetrate and change the structure of physical reality, including life itself.
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Whither now do we go? This Manifesto for the Millennium sets forth the outline of the journey. | |
Whither now do we go? This Manifesto for the Millennium sets forth the outline of the journey. Let us look first to the fundamental issue-the rediscovery of our humanity in nature.
Honoring Our Sacred Connection to Nature
The story of modern economic industrial society is the story of a struggle of the human against the natural. Humanity's relationship with the Earth did not begin that way. During the early times of our emergence some 40,000 years ago as the species Homo sapiens sapiens, we knew our place in nature. We knew our fortunes depended on our ability to live within the rhythms of the wild and untamed world of which we were a part. Even today indigenous peoples carry the same understanding in their core beliefs and relationship to the Earth. But industrial society runs on another path.
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The break with nature did not occur suddenly but came gradually over millennia. |
The break with nature did not occur suddenly but came gradually over millennia. The invention of agriculture, the domestication of animals, the development of cities, the building of culture-all contributed slowly to a sense that human life was separate from and above that of the non-human. Religious beliefs also fostered traditions of human dominion over the natural world. It was a slow | |
| It was a slow but steady departure from the origins from which we sprang, the memory of which was long since lost behind rolling waves of cultural aggrandizement. |
but steady departure from the origins from which we sprang, the memory of which was long since lost behind rolling waves of cultural aggrandizement.
Until more recent times, however, the break was not so great as to be serious. The absolute number of human beings on the planet was not large compared to the size and diversity of the biosphere, and their activities, while clearly controlling in intention, could not, except in isolated geographical regions, cause severe disruption to natural systems. However, the seeds to change all that were sown in the 17th century when men like Francis Bacon began to think in a new way, and assert that it was possible through observation and experiment to control the processes of nature. This was the birth of Western science. Added to other intellectual, philosophical and religious traditions that set the human apart from the natural, this newfound way | |
| ...this newfound way of knowing became the stimulus to a new way of being on the planet. In the 20th century it became so powerful and widespread that it unleashed a juggernaut of human desecration that threatens to overwhelm us in the 21st. |
of knowing became the stimulus to a new way of being on the planet. In the 20th century it became so powerful and widespread that it unleashed a juggernaut of human desecration that threatens to overwhelm us in the 21st.
This Manifesto is a call to action for all those who understand the peril of the long established trend of human alienation from our origins. It is a call to oppose the deeply ingrained beliefs that threaten the collapse of civilization. It is a cry to concerned citizens everywhere to bond in one great movement to reverse the destruction of the biosphere by industrialization.
Our response, however, cannot just be one of angry confrontation. The rift goes far too deep for that to be effective. No. Nothing less than a deep spiritual | |
| Nothing less than a deep spiritual reconnection to the Earth will be sufficient. |
reconnection to the Earth will be sufficient. How is that to be done when centuries of acculturation away from such connection stand in our way? Not easily. But two strategies are at hand.
The first is to refire a faculty that lies in abundance in every human mind on the planet. This is the faculty of imagination. It is the source of all our hopes and dreams and visions. It is tapped every time we envision a future moment of pleasure or achievement. It is the gift of positive anticipation, believing that a future state holds promise and reward.
The faculty of imagination can be stirred for goals both noble and reprehensible. The strategy for those who would aim for the noble goal to slow and eventually reverse the current headlong rush towards ecological collapse, is to engage the imaginations of countless millions worldwide with visions of humanity in harmony with nature. Powerful forces of media and communication are available to do that. Currently they are being used more effectively to promote the industrial lifestyle that is triggering the collapse than they are for showing the pathway to sustainability. But the change is only a mindshift away. And millions are already at that | |
| ...the change is only a mindshift away. And millions are already at that point of shift. |
point of shift. What it will take is a combined effort, a global connection of enlightened imaginations to make the change.
Let this Manifesto be a call to those who can envision the state of human harmony with nature to proclaim their visions and find the linkages to those who share these dreams!
The second strategy for turning the tide against ecological destruction is to take industrialism's central inspirational source and let it serve the higher purpose of harmony. That source is science. While its products and processes are used by industrial thinking to fuel the way of life | |
| While its products and processes are used by industrial thinking to fuel the way of life that may destroy us, the core revelation of science provides the vision that can save us. |
that may destroy us, the core revelation of science provides the vision that can save us. This is the revelation of the universe as a creative unfolding of energy into physical form, eternally guided by Original Intelligence to manifest in exactly the right order such that biological life could emerge in this one small speck called Earth. Furthermore, the creative unfolding would continue until that life would itself become conscious and eventually sufficiently intelligent to join with the Source to embrace a co-creative partnership of conscious evolution. This is a story revealed by science, which is no less amazing and compelling than the ancient explanations of spiritual traditions that have captured the imagination of people throughout history. | |
| Let us now take the revelation of the scientific story of the Universe and allow it to fire our imaginations to glimpse, however imperfectly, the way ahead. |
Let us now take the revelation of the scientific story of the Universe and allow it to fire our imaginations to glimpse, however imperfectly, the way ahead. In doing so we will know that we are born of star dust; that our amazing human body is a microcosm of the Universe; that our consciousness is a manifestation of Original Intelligence shining within every member of our species; that our physical constitution is one shared with all other life forms on the planet; that we are not separate; that we are one with the whole of creation; that we have been gifted with a manifest destiny to take that creation with us now into a higher form; that we are both actively creating and participating in a divine dance of the cosmos; that we are part of an eternally continuing revelation; that we are one with everything that is.
Filled with this revelation we can again turn to the awesome grandeur of the natural world and feel ourselves flow into it. We will be conscious that every moment of our lives is a moment of celebration. We will want to give witness to our blessings in nature by creating special times for honoring our connection to such a Universe and world of wonder. We will find our fulfillment beyond any physical state of material wealth in a deep spiritual identification with all of creation.
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Let this Manifesto be a call to humanity at the start of this Millennium to transcend the self-imposed limitations of the past. |
Let this Manifesto be a call to humanity at the start of this Millennium to transcend the self-imposed limitations of the past. These limitations were born of notions of separation and difference. Let us honor our oneness by re-entering into joyful celebration of our union with the Earth and with each other in the human family and with all other | |
| Let us sing a new song of the Earth in the celebration of life! |
non-human life forms on the planet. Let us sing a new song of the Earth in the celebration of life!
Building a Global Civilization
The call to re-establish our sacred connection to the Earth is the first and primary call of the new age of co-creation. It is the call deriving from the reality that we are Earth creatures living in one great protective and nourishing biosphere. However, we are also social creatures. Just as our physical well-being depends on the continuation of healthy life support systems in nature, so our social well-being depends on healthy systems connecting us to each other. So numerous and interdependent have we now become on the planet that we have built beneath the dome of the biosphere an equally all-embracing sociosphere. This is a product created entirely by our human minds, and today it stands in just as great a peril of collapse as the natural systems on which it depends. | |
The second great historic call of our time is the rebuilding of the sociosphere. |
The second great historic call of our time is the rebuilding of the sociosphere. This human-conceived creation can stand secure only if it is built on enduring principles. The best of our knowledge traditions have taught us over millennia what those principles are, but another great tragedy of our age is that powerful economic and political forces are choosing to build the sociosphere on flawed concepts of limited public good and maximized benefit to narrow self-interests.
Let this Manifesto be a call to engage our energies in this
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| Let us pierce the artificial bubble called globalization and go beyond to a networked world of healthy local economies where people live in dignity and safety and know the joy of right livelihood. |
historic task of re-building the world's sociosphere on principles of equity, justice, cooperation and respect for all of life. Let us pierce the artificial bubble called globalization and go beyond to a networked world of healthy local economies where people live in dignity and safety and know the joy of right livelihood. | |
| The place to begin is to embrace the understanding that humanity is one family inextricably connected to and dependent on all the life forms of a living Earth |
The place to begin is to embrace the understanding that humanity is one family inextricably connected to and dependent on all the life forms of a living Earth. Our early ancestors worshipped the Earth as our mother and lived in sustainable societies. However, over millennia our human minds created the sense of separation and replaced balanced harmony with fierce concepts of competition, domination and control. This built the culture and the nation states of today on battlegrounds soaked with | |
| We stand today as a tired and faltering humanity, hard pressed against the borders of territorial limits, but with leadership still looking for ways to exploit and plunder. |
blood and strewn with the rubble of the vanquished. We stand today as a tired and faltering humanity, hard pressed against the borders of territorial limits, but with leadership still looking for ways to exploit and plunder.
Enough! Let this Manifesto be a call for people everywhere to recognize the ultimate futility of continuing down that path. Even one generation more can bring us to the brink. Let us marshal now our reserves of moral energy and creativity and do what must be done. Let our minds be guided by revelation of evolutionary growth to | |
| Let us not stumble now and lose our destiny. |
higher orders of being. Let us not stumble now and lose our destiny.
The ideas and patterns for renewal are now rapidly emerging. Across the planet bands of citizens are forming in loosely networked groups and organizations to bring the change. Increasingly they are giving voice to criticisms of the flawed concept of the term globalization where multinational corporations dominate two-thirds of global trade and markets are steadily divorced from even national policy-makers, let alone the people who live in communities and neighborhoods.
Equally serious is the totally unrealistic decoupling of finance from the "bricks and mortar" of the real economies of our communities. The specter of global currency trading by those who seek to create wealth without a foundation in the real world exceeds by huge orders of magnitude even the trade controlled by the multinationals. The whole becomes a nightmarish web of non-sustainable greed in which people and their governments are increasingly deprived of the resources they need to address the other cross-border spin-offs of such profligacy-climate change, pollution, loss of bio-diversity, erosion of arable land, organized crime, drug trafficking, and so on.
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Let this Manifesto be a reassurance to citizens now working to turn this tide that their efforts are well founded and essential for the preservation of the human family |
Let this Manifesto be a reassurance to citizens now working to turn this tide that their efforts are well founded and essential for the preservation of the human family. Armed with the benefits of a globally networked information technology, such principled work is already showing that it can bring many endemic evils to heal and force corporations and politicians to be more accountable to the public good.
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How can a just and equitable sociosphere be created when such public goods as education and a healthy environment are set at zero, while we measure as good an unending flow of products, including military weapons, most of which are only partly consumed then pile up in ever growing mountains of waste across the planet? |
But there is much to do, and it must be done quickly. Foremost among the problems are the flawed indicators used by decision-makers to measure benefit. How can a just and equitable sociosphere be created when such public goods as education and a healthy environment are set at zero, while we measure as good an unending flow of products, including military weapons, most of which are only partly consumed then pile up in ever growing mountains of waste across the planet?
Let us move with urgency to reform systems of national accounting to include the value of the unpaid work that goes to support a healthy society. Do we really believe | |
| Do we really believe that parenting, care for aging and sick family members, keeping a good home life and volunteering all count for nothing? |
that parenting, care for aging and sick family members, keeping a good home life and volunteering all count for nothing? Yet these are among the essential services that are not accounted for by false indicators that deceive us about the relative health of our societies. Most seriously, because these contributions are not valued, they are steadily eroded by neglect, resulting in broken families, community breakdown, school bullying and the plague of alcohol and drug abuse.
Adding to this dilemma is another endemic problem we have inherited from immersion in a culture of separation.
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| We fare badly at seeing the interconnection among problems. |
We fare badly at seeing the interconnection among problems. We have built our universities and bureaucracies on a reductionist model of discipline-based research and operation, where departments stand like silos of isolation. The result in the complex sociosphere of the 21st century is that we fail to see that problems experienced at one level are generated at another. Poorly understood feedback loops are operating everywhere. | |
| One of the urgent requirements is the need to cross the boundaries of disciplines and jurisdictions-pulling down the silos-and bring a full multifaceted approach to addressing the problems that beset us. Let us find the humility to embrace the cooperative spirit that will allow us to work together in this way. |
One of the urgent requirements is the need to cross the boundaries of disciplines and jurisdictions-pulling down the silos-and bring a full multifaceted approach to addressing the problems that beset us. Let us find the humility to embrace the cooperative spirit that will allow us to work together in this way.
There is much to be done at all levels: from global to local, within the international community, in national and regional jurisdictions, and at the corporate level. The time has come to put aside the differences that divide and realize that part of the great work of our time is to reshape the global economy, not on the same practices of competition, conflict and greed that are pushing us to the brink; but on the eternal principles of cooperation, collaboration and respect. Let this Manifesto be a call now to engage the task with our full energies.
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In the 21st century humanity has come to the point where we either learn to live wisely together in an interconnected interdependent sociosphere or perish. |
In the 21st century humanity has come to the point where we either learn to live wisely together in an interconnected interdependent sociosphere or perish. The biosphere and the Earth, no matter how badly damaged by our excesses, will go on without us. We are at the moment of truth. Do we pass or fail our graduating exams in the school of life? -This Manifesto is a call for us to rise to the monumental challenge now facing us.
Accommodating to Past Grievances
Rebuilding the sociosphere will be accomplished in part by addressing economic and social deficiencies, but only in part. Renewal also depends on reconnecting to the Earth as our sacred center. That is another part. As we rediscover our humanity in harmony with nature, we will also choose to turn away from practices that upset that balance. It is all part of a flow: a reinvention of humanity grounded in veneration of life in all its forms. | |
| great difficulty we face in creating the new is how to handle the old. The world is awash with grievances. |
However, one great difficulty we face in creating the new is how to handle the old. The world is awash with grievances. Some of them penetrate to the deepest psychic level of disturbance. How do we sit down in a new world with our former enemies? How do we accommodate to the evils of racism and genocide? How do we embrace as a partner in collaboration one who has murdered our brother or raped our sister or abused and killed our parents? How does a world seeking to be reborn come to terms with a sordid and repugnant past?
This Manifesto speaks also to this gravest and most distressful of human problems. How do we learn to
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| How do we learn to live and let live? |
live and let live? | |
The answer lies in two places. The first is freedom and the second is forgiveness. |
The answer lies in two places. The first is freedom and the second is forgiveness. For the first, we must see that freedom flows in society only when people actively practice an ethic of responsibility, and when authority is maintained without oppression. The world we are seeking to build will be a world of democracy and respect for human rights. These are two key pillars of support to the sociosphere. That we already have a solid tradition for these principles in many countries is an accomplishment of which we can be proud. It was hard won over centuries. Though still imperfect and often abused, the pillars nevertheless stand firm. Our task is to strengthen them and extend their operation universally. Along with that we must rid the world of poverty, hunger, deprivation and ignorance. As universal human beings, we must come to understand that the normal conditions for life on Earth are democracy, justice, peace and freedom from prejudice and hatred.
To achieve this freedom people must withdraw legitimacy from conditions that work against it. Foremost among these is the unprincipled pursuit of wealth by private interests that impoverish governments and communities and prevent them from doing good. No less tragic is the enormous wealth squandered on military expenditures. All this stands in the face of freedom, for no nation or community is free when it is driven by fear to expend resources on protection and security that far outweigh what is spent on education, nurturance and care.
This Manifesto is a call for people to devote their energies to building freedom and respect for law and justice as the only way forward to a better world. There is no future in looking backwards to redress old | |
| There is no future in looking backwards to redress old grievances born in conflict; only forward to embrace new possibilities achieved through cooperation. |
grievances born in conflict; only forward to embrace new possibilities achieved through cooperation.
But still we are left with the issue of how to handle grievances from the past. Here we must turn to forgiveness. We cannot move forward while every new generation is schooled in hatred and vengeance. No
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| No matter how grievous the offence, we must find a way to let it go. |
matter how grievous the offence, we must find a way to let it go. This does not mean simplistic acceptance of repugnant behaviour. It calls for action on both sides of the offence. The perpetrator must acknowledge the awfulness of what was done and the victims, or their descendants, must respond by granting forgiveness-providing that compensation of some sort, even symbolical, is offered to compensate for the anguish.
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Our humanity is being called now to see beyond all constraints of past limitations. By pushing ourselves to the brink of collapse we have now created the opportunity to transcend the negative, conflictual, ill-advised and traumatic impulses that have driven us to this state. |
All this is possible if we suffuse our every effort in the glow of a future vision of equality and justice. Our humanity is being called now to see beyond all constraints of past limitations. By pushing ourselves to the brink of collapse we have now created the opportunity to transcend the negative, conflictual, ill-advised and traumatic impulses that have driven us to this state. | |
Let the call of this Manifesto be resoundingly clear! There is no sustainable future on the planet for the humanity that has brought us to this impasse. The call is for a spiritual, moral and intellectual rebirth to a higher order of relationship with each other and the planet we call home! |
Let the call of this Manifesto be resoundingly clear! There is no sustainable future on the planet for the humanity that has brought us to this impasse. The call is for a spiritual, moral and intellectual rebirth to a higher order of relationship with each other and the planet we call home!
Releasing the Power of Education
Another front on which to engage the struggle for a sustainable future is the formal education system. If future generations are to grow up in the ethic of cooperation and sustainable global living, we must look to what we are teaching young people in this foremost socializing institution of the modern industrial state, from preschool to graduate studies.
Because of the seriousness and urgency of the human predicament, educational reform for sustainability must be engaged from two perspectives: long-term and short-term. The former involves the incorporation within school curricula of a values-based approach to education. This can also be called character-building education. By whatever name, it means consciously using the | |
| ...character-building education... means consciously using the educational system to inculcate the values of cooperation, respect for the dignity and worth of other human beings, stewardship of the Earth and the honoring of the rights of all non-human life forms. |
educational system to inculcate the values of cooperation, respect for the dignity and worth of other human beings, stewardship of the Earth and the honoring of the rights of all non-human life forms. This will be a long-term process because the curricula has shifted so far to a secular system for preparing youth to be economic instruments in an industrial machine, that it will take a long time to bring it back. However, the shift must be engaged and this Manifesto issues a call to educators, parents, government and concerned citizens to pursue the process with a sense of utmost urgency.
This brings us to the short-term. We desperately need educational leaders who will assume responsibility for leading the long-term change. Moreover, they need to be joined by a cohort of other professionals-lawyers, engineers, doctors, etc.-who espouse similar values for putting sustainability and the enjoyment of a decent, peaceful harmonious life for all Earth citizens ahead of personal and national aggrandizement through economic and political power. This is the culture of global citizenship. It can grow and flourish only through leadership from the most highly educated members of our professional and scientific communities. Where are the leaders prepared? In our universities and other post-secondary institutions. The call then must go out for an urgent shift in the way these institutions see their role in society.
We have used discipline-centered education in our institutions of higher learning to industrialize the Earth. It has also led to the tragic sense of separation and discontinuity that is now driving civilization towards disaster. Our universities must urgently return to their
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| Our universities must urgently return to their original missions of a true liberal education and their responsibility to equip their graduates, not just with specific technical knowledge of their discipline, but with a capacity to conceptualize, see the big picture, integrate parts into wholes, understand relationships, and value high moral and ethical standards of living on the planet.
original missions of a true liberal education and their responsibility to equip their graduates, not just with specific technical knowledge of their discipline, but with a capacity to conceptualize, see the big picture, integrate parts into wholes, understand relationships, and value high moral and ethical standards of living on the planet.
It is unrealistic to expect large-scale abandonment of discipline-based education in universities. That is far too entrenched, with much justification, for any short-term change to be expected. What can be done, however, is to introduce a universal unifying course as a requirement for graduation from any university, which would incorporate the values and knowledge required to create a sustainable economy and a social ecology that honors and respects human and non-human life in all its diversity. It will declare the sacredness of life and honor the divine spirit that runs through all.
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A host of new leaders, teachers and thinkers is needed throughout every institution and area of human practice. |
A host of new leaders, teachers and thinkers is needed throughout every institution and area of human practice. Their task is to fight for the divine right of our descendants to live in a world free from the scourge of the evil written into the sorry pages of our ancient and most recent history. In a sustainable world people must live free from poverty, from oppression by their authorities, and from the threat of overwhelming ecological collapse. Above all, they must be free to dream, to dream of a steadily improving life on the planet, where its citizens work and live as stewards of the great heritage passed to us by a wondrous and magnificent evolutionary history. | |
This Manifesto calls to the leaders of our universities and responsible government ministries to engage the best minds and devote the necessary resources to begin now, with great urgency, to prepare and implement the necessary unifying curricula to equip our future leaders with the knowledge and values they need for their great historic task. |
This Manifesto calls to the leaders of our universities and responsible government ministries to engage the best minds and devote the necessary resources to begin now, with great urgency, to prepare and implement the necessary unifying curricula to equip our future leaders with the knowledge and values they need for their great historic task.
Creating a New Industrialism
The world we live in is a complex web of interconnections. The cumulative impact of the interrelationships is what is driving us towards breakdown. Shifts in education, economics and spirituality around principles of sustainability and respect for life will begin to make a difference. However, we also need strategies to shift the direction of industry, the beating heart of industrialism, if we hope to avoid collapse.
Industry constitutes the machinery driving the system. If it is ill designed, inefficient and dirty as well as being massive, then it will overwhelm the Earth's natural systems. The trend in that direction was there from the start more than two hundred years ago, and it has steadily increased in intensity until it reached the level of a juggernaut of destruction by the end of the 20th century. This Manifesto calls for immediate changes in the practices of industry, which can be implemented relatively quickly and will result in immediate economic benefit to those who do so, because the increase in efficiency puts them in a stronger position than those who don't. | |
The issue for industry is clear. In its current operations it is disrupting the evolutionary process of billions of years of photosynthetic conversion by plants of energy from the sun. We are converting the resources built by the sun into massive amounts of waste that nature cannot absorb as fast as we produce it. |
The issue for industry is clear. In its current operations it is disrupting the evolutionary process of billions of years of photosynthetic conversion by plants of energy from the sun. We are converting the resources built by the sun into massive amounts of waste that nature cannot absorb as fast as we produce it. Moreover, all too often we produce the waste in forms that nature cannot absorb at all. The result is that we are racing towards worldwide poverty in a monstrous, poisonous garbage dump.
The principles to change this are well known and have been published broadly as The Natural Step. Cut the buildup of dispersed matter from the Earth's crust. Stop the contamination of the Earth with compounds made by technology that won't break down in nature. Discontinue practices that overwhelm nature's capacity for renewal. Implement more efficient means of production and distribute wealth equitably so that large populations are not driven to consuming the last vestiges of their environment in order to survive.
The principles are clear. The consequences for not pursuing them would be equally clear if it were not for the blinders of greed, short-term convenience, linear thinking and blatant corruption worn by many industry leaders throughout the world. Let this Manifesto be a call to a | |
| Let this Manifesto be a call to a new generation of industry and government leaders who not only see the ethical basis for changing the industrial paradigm, but also recognize the business advantages for doing so. |
new generation of industry and government leaders who not only see the ethical basis for changing the industrial paradigm, but also recognize the business advantages for doing so. Time is short, but of all of our institutions, business and industry can respond most quickly. Failure to do so will be the ultimate tragedy for humankind. | |
Within the framework of The Natural Step four industrial strategies can change the world and give humanity a chance to catch its breath to create a new higher order of living and being on the planet. |
Within the framework of The Natural Step four industrial strategies can change the world and give humanity a chance to catch its breath to create a new higher order of living and being on the planet. First is the need to implement revolutionary leaps in design so that resources are used more effectively and efficiently. Second is to follow the lead of nature, which has a four billion year track record of sustainability. This is especially critical in designing industrial systems so that the waste from one system is consumed as fuel by another, just as nature does in a forest. Third, provide a system of service and flow so that ownership of a product stays with the producer who assumes the ultimate responsibility of taking the product back and recycling it at the end of its service life. Lastly, create massive investment for re building the collapsing Earth systems. This is now one of the largest business opportunities on the planet. It provides industry with a heroic task of its own. Let this Manifesto be a call to get on with it. | |
Implied in the above strategies is the need for industry to bring new energy sources on stream that reduce the world's dependence on fossil fuels. |
Implied in the above strategies is the need for industry to bring new energy sources on stream that reduce the world's dependence on fossil fuels. Early in the century we are already seeing the danger signals of inadequate power production from conventional sources as well as the cumulative impact of their use in the build-up of green house gases in the atmosphere and serious deterioration of air quality in population centers around the world. Improved efficiency in the consumption of energy will buy us some time in the quest for the age of hydrogen. We must use the time to invest in the creation of clean energy sources from the wind, the sun, the rivers and the tides. Also we need to experiment aggressively with tapping the geothermal energy of the Earth as well as pursuing scientific research to look for entirely new energy sources from the universe.
Together these principles and strategies constitute a paradigm shift in the way industrialization is practiced on
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| ...what we must move on more immediately and pragmatically is a return to living within the constraints of nature by practicing a new form of capitalism as the foundation of industrial practice. This is capitalism which includes in its accounting the capital provided by nature in the form of living systems on which all life depends. |
the planet. They do not call for a return to living intimately with nature, though that must be the ultimate objective of a new spiritual connection with the Earth. However, what we must move on more immediately and pragmatically is a return to living within the constraints of nature by practicing a new form of capitalism as the foundation of industrial practice. This is capitalism which includes in its accounting the capital provided by nature in the form of living systems on which all life depends. The time for squandering that capital as an unaccounted cost has long since gone. This Manifesto calls for new industrial and business leadership to invent the practices and implement | |
| This Manifesto calls for new industrial and business leadership to invent the practices and implement the structures in a global marketplace that will turn the tide away from the profligate and irresponsible practices of the past. |
the structures in a global marketplace that will turn the tide away from the profligate and irresponsible practices of the past. Let this call go out now for business and industry to form a new partnership with academia, science, government and citizens in their communities to see that we build, and build rapidly, a new industrial system for the 21st century.
Evolving through Technology
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The call of this Manifesto is to people to embrace the challenges faced at a time that has been called the "hinge of history." |
The call of this Manifesto is to people to embrace the challenges faced at a time that has been called the "hinge of history." We are working with human-induced currents of change more powerful and concentrated than anything previously known in the records of civilization. We are at the hinge, the turning point, when we will either be swept away by these currents into chaos and collapse, or we will learn to ride them to a new and undreamed of future. The call to embrace our oneness and union with the natural | |
| If we are successful in avoiding the cataclysm, a new stupendous leap forward awaits us. This Manifesto calls as clearly to that future as to the dangers that may preclude it. |
world is a call for us to reverse the thrust that is now propelling us toward the brink. If we are successful in avoiding the cataclysm, a new stupendous leap forward awaits us. This Manifesto calls as clearly to that future as to the dangers that may preclude it. | |
To glimpse the possible future awaiting humanity in the 21st century, we must see our age in a perspective much larger than that of human history. We must look to what 20th century science has revealed as the story of creation. |
To glimpse the possible future awaiting humanity in the 21st century, we must see our age in a perspective much larger than that of human history. We must look to what 20th century science has revealed as the story of creation. We must go back beyond the beginning of time to a point which we have no adequate language to describe. All we can say of it is that it was the origin, a "singularity," the "big bang," when everything began, including time.
Our cosmological theory tells us that in the first one billionth of a second after the birth of the Universe, three stupendous shifts occurred that laid the foundation for the next 15 billion years of evolution: gravity emerged, matter appeared as unstable particles, and electromagnetic forces manifested to hold things together. After that it took hundreds of thousands of years for atoms to appear, then a billion more for them to form into swirling clouds of galaxies, then more billions for stars to be born with their own solar systems, one of which (out of trillions in the total) we know a lot about, because it eventually gave birth to life on a planet called Earth. | |
Besides the wonder of it all, the main point for us to grasp in this story is that time and change are relative to what is going on. At the birth of the Universe time moved relatively quickly (that is, a lot happened in a short amount of time). Afterwards, time moved relatively slowly (it took billions of years for significant change to occur). However, within those long eons of time, we can observe another phenomenon at work, namely, that as time moves forward it takes less and less of it to produce significant change. |
Besides the wonder of it all, the main point for us to grasp in this story is that time and change are relative to what is going on. At the birth of the Universe time moved relatively quickly (that is, a lot happened in a short amount of time). Afterwards, time moved relatively slowly (it took billions of years for significant change to occur). However, within those long eons of time, we can observe another phenomenon at work, namely, that as time moves forward it takes less and less of it to produce significant change.
It took several billion years for the Earth to appear and another two billion for life to emerge as primitive cells. However, since then, change has moved at an ever increasing pace, with humanoids appearing in only a few billion years more, bringing us up to just several million years ago. Our own human species, Homo sapiens sapiens, was in undisputed domination by just 40,000 years ago, and only in the last 5000 years have we changed the face of the natural world through our technology. Most of the change has occurred in the last 100 years, and only in the last 50 have we had the technology, which is producing the most change of all-computers.
So we are living at a time even more pivotal than the "hinge of history" metaphor would suggest. We are in fact living in a moment almost as explosively significant to what happens next as was the first billionth of a second after the birth of the universe. For we have now released into the | |
| ...we have now released into the evolutionary process a technology that is expanding at an exponential rate the quantity and power of the original source of all change, that is, intelligence. The 21st century will see the merging of human and machine intelligence in a manner with the potential to insert into the carbon-based world of natural evolution a new world currently beyond our imagination. |
evolutionary process a technology that is expanding at an exponential rate the quantity and power of the original source of all change, that is, intelligence. The 21st century will see the merging of human and machine intelligence in a manner with the potential to insert into the carbon-based world of natural evolution a new world currently beyond our imagination. Where that will take us we cannot know, but we can guess that we are on the threshold of creating a symbiosis of naturally evolved and technologically evolved into nothing less than a new life form on the planet and in the universe. And, because of the accelerating speed of change, much of it can happen in the time of generations now alive. | |
The call of this Manifesto is for us to allow this conscious technological evolution of our humanity to proceed on principles respectful of the life forms that allowed us to reach the platform of knowledge and expertise on which we now stand. If we deny our origins we will lose our future. Our great historic task is to work cooperatively and creatively in a moment of stupendous cosmological significance. |
The call of this Manifesto is for us to allow this conscious technological evolution of our humanity to proceed on principles respectful of the life forms that allowed us to reach the platform of knowledge and expertise on which we now stand. If we deny our origins we will lose our future. Our great historic task is to work cooperatively and creatively in a moment of stupendous cosmological significance. What a time to be alive! What a privilege to share this moment with all who benefit from our common ancestry! What a challenge to embrace!
Achieving High Levels of Health and Well-Being
Whatever the longer-term future holds for the evolution of life through technology, humanity faces an enormous
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| ...humanity faces an enormous immediate challenge of how to care for the population alive today and growing rapidly throughout the world. |
immediate challenge of how to care for the population alive today and growing rapidly throughout the world. Modern medical science dramatically increased life expectancy in the 20th century, which has had profound implications. In the industrialized world this achievement in combination with demographic variables has left us with the paradox of an increasingly older population whose health care needs will escalate in coming decades. Failure to manage this issue successfully in so-called developed nations will divert energy from meeting other pressing health needs of a growing population in the rest of the world.
If we try to meet the requirements for health care using the current medical model, we threaten to put social services under intolerable pressure. A new paradigm in health care is desperately needed to handle this potentially explosive political and social crisis.
The elements of the new paradigm have been emerging in recent decades, but they still remain obscured and disparaged by practices in the mainstream. One of the great thrusts of the new millennium must be to proclaim the understanding that the physical, mental and spiritual domains of human existence are inextricably interwoven and to establish a model of health care which embraces all these domains in a nurturing whole.
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Reliance on the western scientific model of health care has encouraged huge populations of self-indulgent people to embrace life styles of excess and irresponsibility concerning their own health. |
Reliance on the western scientific model of health care has encouraged huge populations of self-indulgent people to embrace life styles of excess and irresponsibility concerning their own health. This has been exacerbated by the business models employed by food and drug manufacturers that cater to human weakness and addictions rather than encourage strength and responsibility. The core of this industrialized health care model is a focus on the physical domain in specialized disciplines without appreciating the power of the healing capabilities of the mental and spiritual domains. | |
The essential call of the new paradigm in health is for people to take responsibility for their own well-being. |
The essential call of the new paradigm in health is for people to take responsibility for their own well-being. Of course, there will always be the unfortunate exceptions of people with disabilities and critical illness as well as the aged and infirm who require medical interventions and specialized care. And all of us at any time can become victims of accidents requiring medical attention. However, that is no reason for allowing the exceptions to define the | |
| The call of this Manifesto is for health care policy to shift radically from a focus on disease and cure to a celebration of health and a sense of personal responsibility for maintaining it. |
system. The practice of modern medicine has taught people to be dependent on specialized professionals and not to learn the art of staying well. The call of this Manifesto is for health care policy to shift radically from a focus on disease and cure to a celebration of health and a sense of personal responsibility for maintaining it. | |
A good place to start is to foster and support the many excellent programs that already exist promoting knowledge of nutrition and exercise. |
A good place to start is to foster and support the many excellent programs that already exist promoting knowledge of nutrition and exercise. There is no shortage of research demonstrating the benefits of these twin pillars of good health. What is lacking is the will of modern industrialized society to promote the health model | |
| What is lacking is the will of modern industrialized society to promote the health model rather than the disease model even when overwhelming evidence shows the benefits of the former. |
rather than the disease model even when overwhelming evidence shows the benefits of the former. In the 21st century we must see a shift in this emphasis and direction as dramatic as the shifts described elsewhere in the practices of industrialism.
In achieving this shift we must come to greater awareness of who we are as our essential selves. One of the great misfortunes affecting western industrialized societies is the unquestioning acceptance of material reality as the dominant factor in our lives without a sound understanding of the role played by consciousness in the physical universe. Spiritual sages throughout millennia have drawn attention to the non-material essence of being, but the population at large remains poorly informed about this. At best vast numbers hold religious beliefs mediated by spiritual leaders with a vested interest in their own teachings.
In the 20th century discoveries in quantum physics have shown that matter rather than being the solid three-dimensional phenomenon perceived by our senses is a flow of energy. The universe we perceive is essentially a construction of our own consciousness. If this is all we know, we are missing the greater part of reality, which is the unified field or virtual domain out of which the physical universe emerged and in which it remains contained. This is the Source of everything, which we cannot "know" as we know our physical world, but which we can
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| What we learn from such experience is that we can affect events in the material world through the power of intention in our consciousness. Nowhere is this more powerful than in maintaining our own personal health and well-being. |
experience through our consciousness by stilling our minds from normal thinking and entering a meditative state. What we learn from such experience is that we can affect events in the material world through the power of intention in our consciousness. Nowhere is this more powerful than in maintaining our own personal health and well-being.
The call of this Manifesto with regard to physical health is that we encourage personal responsibility for health by teaching the power of conscious intention, and by rewarding people for practicing good nutrition and pursuing regular exercise. The paradigm of life being a journey of personal responsibility for one's own well-being and a compassionate caring for the well-being of others and the natural world, is the fundamental shift in consciousness on which a sane humane future depends.
Embracing the Challenge
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So now we have come to it. One human family spread out across the planet in our local communities but facing a common future under a storm cloud of uncertainty. |
So now we have come to it. One human family spread out across the planet in our local communities but facing a common future under a storm cloud of uncertainty. As nations we have seen the storms before and suffered the deluge in many different and horrific ways, but never on a planetary scale that threatens to disrupt everything we | |
| Our challenge is to respond now, before the full force of the storm breaks on us, armed with the knowledge we have and humble about what we still have yet to learn. |
know. Our challenge is to respond now, before the full force of the storm breaks on us, armed with the knowledge we have and humble about what we still have yet to learn. This Manifesto calls for us to come together in unprecedented collaborative effort to face our challenges and find solutions at every point where | |
This Manifesto calls for us to come together in unprecedented collaborative effort to face our challenges and find solutions at every point where we see problems growing. |
we see problems growing.
Can we do it? Yes. But only if enough people worldwide quickly grasp some fundamental truths. First, we cannot hope to manage large-scale global issues while we continue to think narrowly of personal, local and national self-interest. The challenge now is soul-sized. The call we
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| The challenge now is soul-sized. The call we hear is the voice of ultimacy. |
hear is the voice of ultimacy. We are now at the breaking point of the species. The solutions we seek lie in higher orders of mind than ones that historically have been brought to bear to settle claims of territory or establish the boundaries of economic might.
We are now reaching out to play with the same hand as the Universal Intelligence that created us. At that level, ego-ethnic-centered, nationalistic thinking takes second place to ideas that promote universal bonding. There, our inspiration flows from the eternal principles of justice, equity, compassion and respect. This is our first challenge.
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...we must find our meaning in the web of life where we feel the beat of our pulse in the rhythm of nature. |
Second, we must find our meaning in the web of life where we feel the beat of our pulse in the rhythm of nature. Each day our minds rise with the morning sun and our spirits soar to mountain top and ocean breadth. We celebrate the flow of life that comes from the sun and grows out of the soil. The gift of the air we breathe and the water we drink is always held in thankfulness. We commit, and re-commit, each day to be the stewards of this natural heritage. | |
...we open our eyes to see beyond the local issues that press us to confront the global forces that can crush us. |
Third, we open our eyes to see beyond the local issues that press us to confront the global forces that can crush us. We do not allow all of our energies to be spent on settling matters at home while greater dangers build beyond our neighborhoods. Around us we seek to understand the larger systems and know that prosperity at home cannot be won on poverty abroad. We accept and celebrate the interdependency that binds us to our neighbors near and far. We recognize and honor that the first need in such connection is always to give and let the process return the gifts to us.
So now we have come to it. Vulnerable and interdependent we know we succeed or fail together. This Manifesto is a call for people everywhere to stand tall and embrace the challenge. The possible future exceeds all bounds of current imagining. Our greatest work still lies
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| Our greatest work still lies waiting to be done. |
waiting to be done. Let us commit to it heart, mind, soul and spirit. | |
People of the planet engage! |
People of the planet engage!
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Selected Readings
This Manifesto draws on ideas, teaching and commentary from many sources. Though the synthesis and emphasis are that of the author, the following contributors to the ideas expressed are acknowledged. The readings referenced are recommended for anyone who wishes to become broadly informed about the challenges that lie ahead.
- Thomas Berry, The Great Work: Our Way into the Future (New York: Random House, 1999)
- Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1961)
- Deepak Chopra, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind (New York: Harmony Books, 1993)
- Paul Davies, The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999)
- Richard Fortey, Life: A Natural History of the First Four Billion Years of Life on Earth (New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1998)
- Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins and Hunter L. Lovins, Natural Capitalism: Creating the New Industrial Revolution (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1999)
- Walt Hays, "The Natural Step," Timeline, March/April, 1995
- Hazel Henderson, Beyond Globalization: Shaping a Sustainable Global Economy (West Hartford: Kumarian Press, 1999)
- Barbara Marx Hubbard, Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential(Novato: New World Library, 1998)
- Fred H Knelman, Every Life is a Story: The Social Relations of Science, Ecology and Peace (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1999)
- Ray Kurzweil, The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence (New York: Viking, 1999)
- Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1996)
- Robert Muller, The Birth of a Global Civilization (Anacortes: World Happiness and Cooperation, 1991)
- Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson, The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World (New York: Harmony Books, 2000)
- James Robertson, The Sane Alternative: Sign Posts to a Self-Fulfilling Future (London: Villers Publications, 1978)
- Peter Russell, From Science to God: The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light (Sausalito: Peter Russell, 2000)
- Elisabet Sahtouris, "Changing World Views, Changing World," Timeline, September/October, 1997)
- Desmond Tutu, No Future without Forgiveness (New York: Doubleday, 1999)
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